
These commands are all designed to be run from a terminal after logging into Baskerville.

Command Description
pwd Shows the path of the working directory
baskstatus Shows current GPU availability (not through portal)
ln -sn /bask/projects/_initial_/_projectname_ ~/_projectname_ Creates a link from a project directory to your home directory
my_baskerville Information about your Projects and QoS
my_quota Shows how much space you are using in your home directory (not through portal)
module avail Show the available modules on the system
module list Show the loaded modules
module load baskerville Load the basic modules and environment variables
module purge Unload all loaded modules
module spider Get information about a specific module
module unload Unload a specific loaded module e.g. module unload Python/3.8.6-GCCCore-10.2.0
sbatch _batchscript_ Submits a batch script; note the job number
scancel -j _jobnumber_ Cancels a slurm job
squeue -u $USER Show all of a user’s current jobs
squeue -j _jobnumber_ Shows the progress of a specific job Slurm status codes can be found here
squeue -j _jobnumber_ --start Shows when your job is expected to start
srun --account _projectname_ --qos _qos_ --time 5 --export=USER,HOME,PATH,TERM --pty /bin/bash Starts an interactive session on a compute node; run from a login node (not through portal)

Conda cheatsheet is available here.