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Baskerville Apps

module load

The website provides details on Baskerville’s available applications, including their corresponding module load commands. There is also another method, which is to use the module spider command to list existing modules along with their descriptions.


module spider  # scan through all available modules
module spider Python  # view all available Python modules

The module load command is used to load installed applications. Before loading your specific applications the following commands are required:

  1. module purge; module load baskerville
  2. module load bask-apps/live

The first line ensures that your job starts with a clean environment. Failure to include this line means that your job will inherit its environment from where you submitted the job to the cluster, which can have unintended consequences.

App Environment

There is one module environment available to all users on Baskerville, called bask-apps/live. This “live” environment provides modules that have undergone a period of testing and are considered stable. The various modules’ pages at include the required module load commands.

Write-out the module load procedure for Python version 3.8.6.

module purge; module load baskerville
module load bask-apps/live
module load Python/3.8.6-GCCcore-10.2.0


You should always do the first line as stated above, else your job will inherit the environment from where you submitted your batch script, which can then cause issues. Also, whilst not explicitly asked for in the question, you should initially load the “live”, rather than the “test”, versions of modules. (See Baskerville application environments.)

Python Virtual Environments

For information on using Python virtual environments to install additional Python modules please see the documentation on self-installing Python software.