
The purpose of these training pages is to get you up and running on Baskerville as quickly as possible by providing a series of steps to follow. Their content is therefore structured as a brief overview with pointers to the relevant documentation elsewhere on the Baskerville Docs site.

The topics covered are:

  1. Accessing Baskerville
  2. Baskerville Apps
  3. Job Submission
  4. Support

Baskerville’s Compute Resources

For information on Baskerville’s compute resources please refer to the System Architecture documentation.

Useful websites

  • Baskerville Website - This site is more for the general public presenting news updates and general information on Baskerville partners.
  • Baskerville Docs - This is the main information site for finding out how to use Baskerville.
  • Baskerville Admin - This site shows information about your account, projects and use of resource.
  • Baskerville Apps - This site shows all the software/applications available to use on Baskerville, with info on how to access them.