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Available Applications

The Baskerville Apps provides details on the applications available on Baskerville.

Applications Available on Login Nodes

Applications are available on the login nodes for simple tasks such as compiling your code. We may kill, without warning, any long-running or CPU intensive process running on a login node.


There is one module environment available to all users on Baskerville, called bask-apps/live. This is accessed with module load bask-apps/live, which is done by default. Applications in this stack will only be removed or altered with warning to those who have recently used the application. All applications in the live environment.

Short-lived module environments

We may create short-lived module environments for specific testing or events. Modules provided through these environments may be experimental and may be removed or altered without warning.

To reset to the default environment you should run:

module purge
module load baskerville

These should be the first commands in your jobs scripts and the first commands you run when entering an interactive job.


Applications on Baskerville are built on top of toolchains, which are a default set of tools and libraries that are used as the basis for all the applications we install. The toolchains on Baskerville follow those defined by EasyBuild and this enables us to build an application stack where the majority of the modules are compatible.

Each of the toolchains is built on top of sub-toolchains, which consist of some parts of the full toolchain.

The toolchains available on Baskerville are:

  • foss: GNU compilers (gcc, g++, gfortran), OpenBLAS, FFTW, ScaLAPACK, OpenMPI
    • sub-toolchains: gompi, GCC, GCCcore
    • CUDA is loaded as a separate module by software that can use GPUs
  • nvofbf: NVHPC, OpenBLAS, FFTW, ScaLAPACK, OpenMPI
  • fosscuda: GNU compilers (gcc, g++, gfortran), OpenBLAS, FFTW, ScaLAPACK, OpenMPI, and CUDA
    • sub-toolchains: gompic, GCC, GCCcore
  • intel: Intel oneAPI - compilers (icc, icpc, ifort), MKL and MPI
    • sub-toolchains: iimpi, intel-compilers, GCCcore

We also provide the NVIDIA HPC SDK (NVHPC), but we do not have a toolchain built on top of this.

Available Toolchains

Toolchain Compilers Maths Libraries MPI CUDA
nvofbf/2022.07 NVHPC 2022.07 OpenBLAS 0.3.20, FFTW 3.3.10, ScaLAPACK 2.2.0 OpenMPI 4.1.4 11.7.0
foss/2022a GCC 11.3.0 OpenBLAS 0.3.20, FFTW 3.3.10, ScaLAPACK 2.2.0 OpenMPI 4.1.4 11.7.0*
foss/2021a GCC 10.3.0 OpenBLAS 0.3.15, FFTW 3.3.9, ScaLAPACK 2.1.0 OpenMPI 4.1.1 11.3.1*
fosscuda/2020b GCC 10.2.0 OpenBLAS 0.3.12, FFTW 3.3.8, ScaLAPACK 2.1.0 OpenMPI 4.0.5 11.1.1

CUDA versions marked with a * are not loaded by default by the foss toolchain.

Requesting Installs

Application installs can be requested by contacting your site representative. Generally we will install applications centrally where the application is of relevance to multiple Baskerville users.

Licensed Software

For software that requires a license server, those using the software are responsible for setting up and operating the license server.

Containerisation using Apptainer

Baskerville supports containerisation using Apptainer. Each compute node has Apptainer installed, which means that the apptainer command is available without needing to first load a module.

EasyBuild and ReFrame

We use

  • EasyBuild to manage the installation of the applications on Baskerville. This enables us to produce repeatable installations of the applications requested by researchers while leveraging the work of the HPC community.
  • ReFrame to test the installed applications. This enables us to run test jobs every day to verify both Baskerville and the installed applications.