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Who to contact

Support and help for using Baskerville is provided by your site representatives. Please see the table below for how to request assistance.

If you need to submit an issue to Baskerville support please provide:

  1. An explanation of what you are doing
  2. An explanation of what a successful run should look like compared to what you are obtaining
  3. If needed please provide a simplified test case that can be run relatively quick and using the minimum amount of resources
Access through Who to contact Notes
University of Birmingham IT Service Portal Please open an Other BEAR Request, making it clear that your request concerns Baskerville.
The Rosalind Franklin Institute RFI Help Desk
The Alan Turing Institute Turing Research Computing Team Please also join the #research-computing channel on the Turing’s Slack workspace for announcements, community support and discussions on Baskerville and other systems available at the Turing.
Diamond Light Source Tim Poon
EPSRC Baskerville Tier 2 Support Support for those accessing Baskerville through an EPSRC scheme, such as an EPSRC Access to HPC call, is provided by the University of Birmingham.


We have a mailing list for RELION users for our community of RELION users on Baskerville, where you can ask questions and share knowledge with other RELION users. If you wish to join, please send an email to to be added to the mailing list.

Lifecycle Management of Baskerville Projects

Baskerville project start and end dates are controlled by the consortium partner who owns the project. You can view project details on the admin site and if you wish to change this date, please consult your site representative. Once a project has reached the end date, the project and user accounts associated with it go through the following steps:

  1. All members of a project will receive a warning 30 days before the end date for the project warning them that it will end.
    • If you wish to retain access via this project then please consult your site representative for a project extension.
    • If your access is through EPSRC, such as through Access to HPC, then note that a project extension will usually require a new application to that scheme.
  2. An email will be sent out to all members of the project when the project has ended. Users on this project will no longer be able to run jobs, but they can login and access and move data. This period will last 30 days.
  3. After this 30 day period the project will be marked ‘NO ACCESS’. This means users who are only on this project will be made inactive and are no longer able to login to Baskerville.
    • An email will be sent to project users outlining that if they are only on this project (or other NO ACCESS projects) they will no longer be able to access Baskerville and the deletion process will begin. This is a final warning to users - if they would like to access Baskerville and their project data, they must contact their site representative to arrange this.
  4. Over the next 30 days, 2 emails will be sent out to users: one to remind them that the deletion process will happen, and the last to tell them the deletion process has begun.
  5. Both the project and user home directory (if the user no longer has any active projects) will be deleted.
    • Once this has happened there is no way for any data in the project or user home directories to be restored.